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Browser keyboard shortcuts For Chrome and Firefox

Keyboard shortcuts:

CTRL + T           Open a New Tab.

CTRL + W           Close current tab.

CTRL + SHIFT + T   Open previously closed tab.

CTRL + TAB         Switch between open tabs.

CTRL + 1 to 8      Switch to the tab of the corresponding number from left to right.

CTRL + 1           Switch to the first tab.

CTRL + 9           Switch to the last tab.

CTRL + N           Open a new browser window.

ALT + F4           Close the current browser window. This keyboard shortcut works across Windows.

F11                Go Fullscreen.

ALT + Home         Open the home page.

Esc                Stop the loading of the web page.

CTRL + P           Print the web page.

CTRL + S           Save the web page to your computer. 
CTRL + O           Open a file stored on your computer. 
                   Modern browsers support PDF files. 
                   So, you can use this shortcut to open a PDF file
                   , or any other file such as an image, on your web browser.
CTRL + H           Open browser history.

CTRL + J           Open downloads history.

CTRL + D           Add the current web page to the bookmarks.

CTRL + Enter       Adds www and .com to the name of the website typed in the address bar. 
                   Eg: type 'andrewsin' in the address bar and press CTRL + Enter. 
                   It will autocomplete to

CTRL +             Zoom-in.

CTRL –             Zoom-out.

CTRL + 0           Reset zoom.

Home               Go to the top of the web page.

End                Go to the bottom of the web page.

CTRL + F           Search the web page.

CTRL + L           Jump to the address bar. 
or F6              You can also use ALT + Enter to open the web address typed in the address bar in a new tab.
or ALT + D

CTRL + SHIFT + Delete     Open the Clear Browsing Data option.

F5 or CTRL + R            Reload the current page.

Backspace or ALT + Left Arrow          Go back.

ALT + Right Arrow                      Go forward.




To find browser history using chrome:

Settings > History > select link you want to goto

Or use keyboard shortcut.




To delete recent cookies on chrome:

On a PC:

Ctrl + shift + delete





On mac:

Cmd + shift + delete




For more information, see here.

Created on: Wednesday, May 6, 2020 by Andrew Sin